Courier: The next page - NTA Courier

Courier: The next page


Courier shines a light on the remarkably rewarding and diverse components of packaged travel that National Tour Association members provide to their clients and customers—and to each other. Our writers create original articles that: 

  • explain new and upcoming tour product
  • focus on destinations
  • provide insight into industry trends
  • inform members about association events and benefits

Courier is the magazine of NTA, whose members collaborate to offer unique, creative tour programs to a traveling public eager to gain authentic experiences with people and places, whether it’s the town or the continent next door.

What began as a four-page newsletter in July 1974 evolved into a four-color magazine, now published nine times a year, loaded with relevant business-to-business content. And while Courier has long been available in a digital flip-book platform, the magazine in 2018 made the leap to a dedicated website,

With this enhanced online presence, Courier articles are now more easily accessed, read and shared, not only by NTA members, but also by the larger travel community—and by anyone with an internet connection and a yearning to explore. Also providing a digital multiplier, Courier uses its social media platforms to methodically push content to followers, who in turn share those stories that are meaningful to their followers.

Courier’s engaging articles and insightful information is now disseminated in print, on our website and via social media. Now with a wider audience, Courier can better promote NTA members and the many ways they enable clients to experience the depth and breadth of meaningful and memorable travel.

Our goal at Courier is to work as willing partners with NTA members to support, inform and connect:

Support them by providing coverage of their product and services.
Inform them by articulating ideas and insights from others in the travel community.
Connect them by highlighting common bonds and interesting opportunities for collaboration.

So join the Courier caravan. Find out what’s down the road … and on the next page.

Top photo ©Andrey Armyagov/Adobe Stock