You’d love to fill your next group tour more easily.
You probably know social marketing can help you reach the fans who have clicked your Facebook posts and landed on your website. But maybe you’ve wondered how to reconnect with those visitors and show them ads that match their activity on your website.
That used to be magic performed by web wizards. Now it’s a reality for everyone!
Installing Facebook Pixel on your company’s website gives you access to information that will help you understand what resonates with your Facebook and Instagram fans. Getting started is easy: You or your web team can copy and paste a provided snippet of code (called a pixel) into your website.
Once you have the pixel installed, it will track user interactions with your Facebook ads and website. The insider information you glean can help tailor your tour, experience and destination offerings.
Don’t have a pixel yet? Here’s an easy how-to guide with all the details:
Pixel to people
Here’s how it works: Let’s say a Facebook user—whether they’re a fan of yours or not—sees an ad that you’ve created, clicks it and is directed to your website.
With your pixel in your website’s code, you’ll be able to show future ads to those who have clicked your ad and followed the link. You can continue to market to these interested users and possibly turn lookers into bookers.
Group tour impact
Maybe you’ve designed a series of Facebook ads to showcase upcoming events or group tours. You can target viewers who have looked at different ads over specific dates. One month, you might run an ad for an upcoming cruise, followed by a month-long campaign for a coach tour of the Wild West.
Each month you can create a new audience of viewers for each of these tours. When viewing your new pixel audience’s activity, select a date range so you can further remarket specific tour information. See timing criteria here:
Simply by creating a new Facebook pixel audience, remarketing becomes a breeze. Don’t worry, you won’t have access to specific people’s names and contact info, only the data to remarket to them socially. Find more ad targeting hacks here:
Great fit
Now imagine that you’d like to reach out to more people with the same interests as your active social media following. You can create a Lookalike Audience in Facebook, which consists of people with similar traits to your pixel audience. Facebook helps you expand your potential client base by matching demographics and interests of your pixel audience and creating a new, comparable audience for you. Sweet!
Consider this
You can finesse these audiences even more by targeting people who are considering going on a trip. With the new Trip Consideration ad option, you can refine your pixel audiences to tease out and target people who are in the early stages of trip planning.
Not advertising yet?
Even if you haven’t created your first Facebook or Instagram ad, now is a great time to set up your Facebook pixel. You can begin building awesome audiences to make your first ad successful.
High-tech is now giving us more efficient ways to be high-touch while we put more “heads in beds” and, as many in our industry say, “butts in seats.”
Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Connect with her socially and at
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