Visitors to Seville can take part in the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the birth of renowned Sevillian painter, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, during the Year of Murillo.
“It will be celebrated during 2018 with many cultural activities and events throughout the city, and it is a great opportunity to rediscover the unique treasures that are the rich cultural legacy of Seville,” says Elisa Sainz with the Tourist Office of Spain.
Murillo, a Baroque artist known for his religious works, left a lasting legacy in Seville by defining an artistic style and largely influencing Andalusian art.
Through Dec. 8, 2018, the exhibit “Murillo at the Cathedral” will be open at the Cathedral of Seville. In addition to viewing 16 of his works, visitors can see documents from the Hermanidad de la Santa Caridad and the cathedral archives related to Murillo’s life and work.
The exhibit “Murillo y su estela en Sevilla,” hosted by the Convent of Santa Clara through April 8, 2018, will feature 62 works by Murillo, including some of his original paintings, as well as other artists’ oil paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures.
A third exhibit celebrates “El Jubileo de la Porciuncula,” considered one of Murillo’s masterpieces. The painting, which resides over the central altarpiece at a church in Germany, was returned to Seville for the celebration and will be displayed at the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville.
Visitors can also attend a symposium on Murillo in March featuring 50 speakers from all over the world.
An anthological exhibition, lectures and other cultural events are slated through January 2019. For more information, email Sainz or visit
Top photo: “The Annunciation” by Murillo
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