Located on the coast of Biloxi, Mississippi, the luxurious Beau Rivage offers many services exclusive to the resort and to groups.
Buses can park beneath the parking garage connected to a motorcoach arrival lobby; it’s the only Gulf Coast resort with this amenity. The lobby is staffed with motorcoach arrival personnel who do not tend the main front desk—they work coach arrivals only.
“We’re pretty versatile with what a group can do while they’re here,” says Leisure Sales Manager Linda Spruill. “If they want to do an historical trip, go shopping, do things on the water like kayaking, rest and relax, do gaming, nature-type things like bird watching, (we can do that). We literally take it from the beginning of contracting all the way to the very end. It’s like a concierge service that we offer to those groups.”
With 1,740 guest rooms, the resort has a European health club, spa and salon, a beautiful pool deck and lots of gaming options with its most recent addition of the Sports Book & Bar.
“We’re one of four jurisdictions in America accepting sports betting,” Spruill says. “If you have a group coming in the spring and they’re thinking baseball, they can go ahead and place those bets while they’re here, which is rather unique.”
For more information, contact Spruill or go to beaurivage.com.
Top photo by beaurivage.com
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